Lab Work

University Medal for Psychology
Tara Arrow was awarded the University Medal for Psychology, which is Macquarie University’s most prestigious academic award and is awarded to students who have demonstrated exceptional academic excellence throughout their university studies. Congratulations Tara! (18 March 2024).
University Medal for Psychology
Global Strategic Research Partner Forum
Dr. Lisi Beyersmann participated in Macquarie University’s Global Strategic Research Partner Forum, which united delegates from eight esteemed universities across the globe to launch the Global Research Training Strategy. The forum delegates engaged in collaborative research-based workshops (12-14 March 2024).
Global Strategic Research Partner Forum
GRA (Graduate Research Academy) Fest
The GRA Fest provided an opportunity to wrap up 2023 with fellow research students, academic mentors, and industry experts. Claire Galea presented during the panel From dairy to Dolly Parton: Models of industry engagement for graduate researchers, chaired by Dr. Lisi Beyersmann (30 November 2023).
GRA (Graduate Research Academy) Fest
David Hall Prize
Congratulations to Jasmine Spencer and Esra Ataman, who were awarded the David Hall Prize for excellence in HDR research (25 October 2023).
David Hall Prize
Evaluating Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library
Media coverage of the evaluation of Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library in the NSW town of Tamworth, led by Claire Galea (July 2023 & November 2022).
Evaluating Dolly Parton's Imagination Library
Society for the Scientific Study of Reading (SSSR) Conference
Conference presentations by Beyersmann Lab members (20 July 2023).
Society for the Scientific Study of Reading (SSSR) Conference
Psychonomic Society J. Frank Yates Student Conference Award
Dr. Hasibe Kahraman received this competitive award for her project The two languages of the bilingual mind: An EEG study into cross-language morphological transfer. Congratulations Hasibe! (June 2023).
Psychonomic Society J. Frank Yates Student Conference Award
A Problematic Orthography
Elisabetta DeSimone was tasked with creating an engaging video summary of her research (22 May 2023).
A Problematic Orthography
Sentence Reading Experiment
A participant engaging in a sentence reading experiment, facilitated by Alicia Ormond (12 May 2023).
Sentence Reading Experiment