Tara Arrow

Tara Arrow

Research Officer and Psychology Honours Graduate

Macquarie University

Tara completed her Bachelor of Psychology (Honours) Class 1 at Macquarie University in 2023. She was awarded the University Medal for Psychology and the Macquarie University Award for Academic Excellence. For her Honours thesis, she investigated how stem regularity and suffix type impact the naming of morphologically complex nonwords, under the supervision of Associate Professor Lisi Beyersmann. She began studying a Master of Clinical Psychology in 2024.

Tara has also been working as Associate Professor Lisi Beyersmann’s research assistant since December 2019, becoming a research officer in October 2023. She has assisted with the design, implementation, and data processing of eye tracking, reading aloud, lexical decision, learning, and spelling experiments. She has collected data in lab and online settings, assisted with a grant application, and co-authored several peer-reviewed articles.