Beyersmann Reading Lab
Beyersmann Reading Lab
Lab Work
Walking Lab
E. Beyersmann
Is the period really “pissed”? The effect of punctuation and message length on perceptions in digital communication
Literacy acquisition in Germanic languages
Cross-language orthographic neighbourhood density effects in Dutch-English and Spanish-English bilinguals
Two decades later: Letter transpositions within and across morpheme boundaries in L1 and L2 speakers
Do reading times predict word learning? An eye-tracking study with novel words
The effects of morphological instruction on literacy outcomes for children in English-speaking countries: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Cross-linguistic differences in morphological processing: Evidence from English and Italian
Emojis and affective priming in visual word recognition
A replication of morphological flanker effects in French
Phonological decoding and morpho-orthographic decomposition: Complementary routes during learning to read
Sand, sandpaper, and sandwiches: Evidence from a masked compound priming task in L1 and L2 speakers of English
The role of morphemic knowledge during novel word learning
Cross-language morphological transfer in similar-script bilinguals
The effect of constituent frequency and distractor type on learning novel complex words
The role of oral vocabulary when L2 speakers read novel words: A complex word training study
Positional encoding of morphemes in visual word recognition
Reading as we age: An examination of complex word reading skills in elderly individuals with and without acquired dyslexia
The effect of oral vocabulary training on reading novel complex words
The effect of spoken vocabulary training on reading complex novel words
Cross-language influences on morphological processing in bilinguals
Previewing novel words before reading affects their processing during reading: An eye-movement study with first and second language readers
Learning to read morphologically complex words
Complex word processing in individuals with acquired dyslexia
Cross-language influences on morphological processing in bilinguals
The influence of spoken language on complex word reading
Reading with emojis
Reading and learning to read irregular words
The positional encoding of morphemes in reading
Orthographic expectancies in the absence of contextual support
The role of syllables and morphemes in silent reading: An eye-tracking study
The role of embedded words and morphemes in reading
The effect of spacing versus massing on orthographic learning
Eye movements during reading
Acquisition of orthographic forms via spoken complex word training
Automatic morpheme identification across development: Magnetoencephalography (MEG) evidence from fast periodic visual stimulation
A developmental perspective on morphological processing in the flankers task
The dynamics of reading complex words: Evidence from steady-state visual evoked potentials
Morphological segmentation of nonwords in patients with acquired dyslexia
Oral vocabulary knowledge and learning to read new words: A theoretical review
Teaching children to read irregular words: A comparison of three instructional methods
That’s good news ☹: Semantic congruency effects in emoji processing
The effects of spacing and massing on children’s orthographic learning
The influence of textese on adolescents’ perceptions of text message writers
Morphological processing in the flankers task
The dynamics of morphological processing in developing readers: A cross-linguistic masked priming study
Effects of a morpheme-based spelling intervention challenging previous results
Order among chaos: Cross-linguistic differences and developmental trajectories in pseudoword reading aloud using pronunciation Entropy
Effects of lexicality and pseudo-morphological complexity on embedded word priming
Learning morphologically complex spoken words: Orthographic expectations of embedded stems are formed prior to print exposure
Morphological processing across modalities and languages
Morphological priming in children: Disentangling the effects of school-grade and reading skill
Orthographic consistency influences morphological processing in reading aloud: Evidence from a cross-linguistic study
Evidence for embedded word length effects in complex nonwords
Morphological processing without semantics: An ERP study with spoken words
Embedded stems as a bootstrapping mechanism for morphological parsing during reading development
Do ‘blacheap’ and ‘subcheap’ both prime 'cheap'? An investigation of morphemic status and position in early visual word processing
Plural dominance and the production of determiner-noun phrases in French
What cross-morphemic letter transposition in derived nonwords tells us about lexical processing
Production of German -n plurals in aphasia: Effects of dominance and predictability
Taking the book from the bookshelf: Masked constituent priming effects from compound words and nonwords
Support from the morphological family when unembedding the stem
Edge-aligned embedded word activation initiates morpho-orthographic segmentation
A developmental investigation of the first-letter advantage
Masked morphological priming in German-speaking adults and children: Evidence from response time distributions
Unpredictability and complexity of print-to-speech correspondences increase reliance on lexical processes: More evidence for the orthographic depth hypothesis
Embedded stem priming effects in prefixed and suffixed pseudowords
Morpho-orthographic segmentation without semantics
Effects of reading proficiency on embedded stem priming in primary school children
Language proficiency and morpho-orthographic segmentation
Differences in the processing of prefixes and suffixes revealed by a letter-search task
The production of singular- and plural-dominant nouns in Dutch
Language proficiency moderates morphological priming in children and adults
Semantic processing during morphological priming: An ERP study
A Test Battery for Assessment of Plural Processing in Aphasia Exploring Regularity (BAPPA-R)
A Test Battery for Assessment of Plural Processing in Aphasia Exploring Frequency (BAPPA-F)
Letter transpositions within morphemes and across morpheme boundaries
Does plural dominance play a role in spoken picture naming? A comparison of unimpaired and impaired speakers
Early morphological decomposition of suffixed words: Masked-priming evidence with transposed-letter nonword primes
How likely are stem errors when accessing plurals
Parallel processing of whole-words and morphemes in visual word recognition
The influence of plural dominance in aphasic word production
Morphological processing during visual word recognition in developing readers: Evidence from masked priming
Early morphological decomposition during visual word recognition: Evidence from masked transposed-letter priming
Organisation of 'number' information in the lexicon: Insights from aphasic plural errors