Beyersmann Reading Lab
Beyersmann Reading Lab
Lab Work
Walking Lab
A. Castles
The effects of morphological instruction on literacy outcomes for children in English-speaking countries: A systematic review and meta-analysis
The effect of oral vocabulary training on reading novel complex words
The effect of spoken vocabulary training on reading complex novel words
The influence of spoken language on complex word reading
Orthographic expectancies in the absence of contextual support
The effect of spacing versus massing on orthographic learning
Eye movements during reading
Acquisition of orthographic forms via spoken complex word training
Automatic morpheme identification across development: Magnetoencephalography (MEG) evidence from fast periodic visual stimulation
Oral vocabulary knowledge and learning to read new words: A theoretical review
Teaching children to read irregular words: A comparison of three instructional methods
The effects of spacing and massing on children’s orthographic learning
Learning morphologically complex spoken words: Orthographic expectations of embedded stems are formed prior to print exposure
Embedded stems as a bootstrapping mechanism for morphological parsing during reading development
Do ‘blacheap’ and ‘subcheap’ both prime 'cheap'? An investigation of morphemic status and position in early visual word processing
Taking the book from the bookshelf: Masked constituent priming effects from compound words and nonwords
Morpho-orthographic segmentation without semantics
Early morphological decomposition of suffixed words: Masked-priming evidence with transposed-letter nonword primes
Parallel processing of whole-words and morphemes in visual word recognition
Morphological processing during visual word recognition in developing readers: Evidence from masked priming
Early morphological decomposition during visual word recognition: Evidence from masked transposed-letter priming